Physical Therapy services are provided to address impairments with gross motor skills, including independent movement, balance, endurance, and fundamental body management in order to safely access the school environment for learning.
Physical therapy goals may include improving a student’s general body strength, joint motion, endurance, muscle tone, balance, coordination, motor planning and protective, righting and equilibrium reactions. School-based physical therapy is not intended to improve a student’s physical fitness to become a better athlete, nor is it provided in the case of temporary injury. In a case of temporary injury, the need is generally medically based and not educational in nature.
Based upon the nature of the service, therapy generally takes place outside of the regular classroom. Spaces used have included the Nurse’s office, gymnasium, OT room, special education classroom, or hallway (when appropriate to the goals being worked on). Consultation with the teacher regarding participation, positioning, etc. in the classroom is also a provision of services if needed.
All Schools: Molly Chvatal mchvatal (at)